
General and Specific Objectives

General Objectives

General Objectiveve 1

Design, optimization and development of cementitious concretes with enhanced thermal properties (high Heat Capacities and thermal conductivities and long lasting stability).

General Objectiveve 2

Design, development and validation of a new variety of TES modules based on concretes.

General Objectiveve 3

processing structural thermal properties correlations in cement-based materials.

General Objectiveve 4

More advancement on cement-based TES modules

Specific Objectives

Specific Objective 1

Optimization of the thermal properties of OPCs composites.

Specific Objective 2

Optimization of the thermal properties of geopolymer-based composites.

Specific Objective 3

Optimization of thermal properties of CACs composites.

Specific Objective 4

Identification of technical requirements for different applications concrete-based
TES modulus.

Specific Objective 5

Extend current multi-scale (nano to micro) computational schemes for predicting heat transfer processes in cement-based composites.

Specific Objective 6

Extend current Multiphysics models of TES systems.

Specific Objective 7

Explorative study of the possibilities offered by 3D-printing technology

Specific Objective 8

 Develop small-scale concrete-based TES prototypes.

Specific Objective 9

Set-up and coordinate international Committees and Conferences specific for
these application.

Specific Objective 10

Establishment of fluent meetings with key industrial actors